Mech Warrior 2 (1995)
31st Century Combat.
Release: July, 1995
Role: Lead Game Designer
Platforms: PC, Mac
In 3057, a struggle for power fuels a society of warring clans. Bitter infighting perpetuates a universe of unrest. War is constant. Victory is temporary. Cease-fire is nonexistent. A pause in a stream of salvos is only a signal to recalibrate crosshairs and redirect missiles. Time is scarce before the next unrelenting mission begins. For a MechWarrior, war is life. And death is the only true peace.
Production Notes:
I was hand picked to be part of a ninja team to prevent a development catastrophe. After uncovering the mysteries of the existing (and extremely archaic) asset and scripting pipeline, we built a Mech Warrior prototype to restore confidence of both Activision’s management team and our partners at FASA. In less than a year, we ramped up an entirely new production team and built Mech Warrior 2 from scratch.
MechWarrior 2 garnered wide critical acclaim:
Mech Warrior 2 was featured on a super rare “Good Day LA” news segment circa 1994 featuring a rather young looking development team.